Sugar Cookie Recipe

Not sure where to start making cookies? Cookie Cutter Central has you covered with our perfect sugar cookie recipe!

This delightful recipe yields approximately 25 perfect cookies, each measuring 6.5cm in diameter. Ideal for any occasion, these cookies are sure to impress your friends and family.


250g Salted Butter: Make sure it’s at room temperature for the best results.

1 Cup Caster Sugar: Adds the perfect amount of sweetness.

1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract: For that classic vanilla flavor.

2 Eggs: Helps bind the dough together.

3 Cups Plain Flour: The foundation of our cookies.


1. Preheat Your Oven: Set the oven to 180°C (350°F) to ensure it’s ready for baking.

2. Cream the Butter and Sugar: Beat the room temperature butter with the caster sugar until the mixture is white and creamy.

3. Add Vanilla Extract: Mix in the vanilla extract for a delicious flavor.

4. Incorporate Eggs: Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition.

5. Gradually Add Flour: Mix in one cup of plain flour at a time until fully incorporated.

6. Form the Dough: Lightly flour your bench, transfer the mixture, and gently knead until the dough comes together. Avoid overworking it!

7. Chill the Dough: Divide the dough into two balls, wrap them in cling wrap, and slightly flatten each ball. Refrigerate for at least 1.5 hours.

8. Roll and Cut: On a floured surface, roll the dough to a 2 cm thickness. Cut out shapes and place them on a lined baking tray.

9. Bake: Bake the cookies for 14 minutes. The quicker you cut and bake them, the better they will hold their shape.

10. Cool and Decorate: Allow the cookies to cool completely before decorating.

Enjoy baking and decorating your delicious sugar cookies with Cookie Cutter Central! Perfect for holidays, parties, or just a sweet treat at home.